Tuesday, 4 July 2017

When ZOMBIES strike, follow Aristotle !

Whatever we give to others, is never lost ! It 'll come to us someday or the other.

A few days back, I heard someone saying, 'Whatever we give this nature, it comes back to us anyhow in future'. At that time, I was very skeptical about this and ignored this, but these days I have been witnessing incidents which certainly proves this phenomenon true. Right now I have been paying back by helping certain people who were by my side when I was tormented. This is how this life works. It comes full circle one day or the other. We all grow this way !

Aristotle said, this world evolves and changes on a constant basis. But there is a thing which doesn't change, all it does is remain constant in all circumstances. He defined it as 'entelechy' or 'unique highest potential'. This is the ability of a person to develop into its highest potential. This uniqueness or constant development remains in all situations. Everyone has its own entelechy and this force drives everyone to their highest self attainment. For instance, a seed has to undergo various stages and changes in order to reach its highest potential. In such case, the POTENTIAL is a constant thing. Also the experience which one gains during this whole journey is always remarkable as it shapes us into this being and there is always a reason behind everything that happens. When a tree is hit by a stormy wind, two things can happen. If it 'll resist the flow of storm, it can break at some point and become weak but in another case it can increase its endurance in even such situation if the tree bends with the flow which can result in it's strong trunks and branches. Storm can actually help it to become more strong and reach its highest potential. Similar phenomenon works in our case also. The experiences we go through in our journey configurate us as whatever is offered midway gives us insights of various crucial circumstances which at the end makes us strong, brave and sedulous. The ultimate goal of life should be to attain 'entelechy'.

There is no denying the fact that this world is full of people who are soulless and unconscious of the results of their actions which even can mess other people's life. For instance, all of us know who Zombies are and how they are projected in various movies. They are soulless and unconscious beings who suck happiness out of conscious beings by biting them which ultimately converts conscious ones into Zombies. Just in one bite, a conscious person can be a Zombie ! When I think this, it seems to me ridiculous as I won't convert into a soulless and unconscious Zombie, just because of the fact that I have been bitten by one. It is MY CHOICE ! Everyone come across bad people and bitter experiences in their lives and it is quite normal. But how we let them influence ourselves is left to us by destiny. It is totally up to us how we react and carry it with us. Whatever happens to us can't be controlled as life is a mixture of  our free will and destiny. Both are important. The thing which is in our hands is how we use our free will to reach 'entelechy' or 'unique hightest potential'. We even can choose how can we tackle all the pain we suffer and use it for our benefit. Sometimes pain ends up making us strong and determinant. Sufferings and torments should be taken as precious lessons to increase our will power.

Whenever life gets arduous, follow Aristotle ! And don't forget about Zombies ! It is upto you, whether you want to act like one or be your true self by maintaining your individualism, guarding your happiness and free will.

Karma is for REAL.
This life is a TOUGH journey.
ZOMBIES 'll suffer anyhow.


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