Saturday, 10 June 2017

This is how magic fades away !

In this egocentric realm, how do one find solace?

Present society has its own standards of deducing people on the basis of their actions. If one seeks to act according to his or her will, there are numerous ideas running in the back of his mind most of times. The tag of so called "char log kya kahege" can never run out of fashion.

As a result, we tend to impede ourselves.

But, have we ever interrogated ourselves, whose happiness matters at last? Ours or Society's?

Of course all of us know what the answer is. ;)

Nowadays, people have forgotten to value other people, dazzling themselves in the glitter of golden era. In pursuit of climbing ladders of success, there are people out there, who change themselves within a day as if it was as easy as switching a plug off or on. Such people don't have any emotional values attach to things or even people. They always have a replacement of everything, even for people, as if it is like replacing an old gadget with the new one. Replacing people is a new trend these days. And the people who are part of such odious trend have no right to call themselves prosperous. Success and happiness which has its roots engraved on someone else's dreams and aspirations don't stand still for too long. Such people suck magic out of other people's life. But, Karma has everyone's address and at right time it surely knocks the door to award people for their acts.

I have grown up surmising in fairies and angels. I still remember, when I used to watch magic shows during my childhood days and how badly i wanted the angel to defeat the devil. This is how i started to form the perception that devil needs to be put down at any cost. But as i grew up and embarked to watch the world around me full of pessimism and even watched devil winning the game in reality, my parents kept my belief of optimism and goodness alive amidst everything happening around. They kept my hope alive as there were some people who didn't leave anything to hope for.

Keeping this hope igniting forever :)

Striding towards my happiness , my way ! :D


  1. What about intentions about others? Some how we know our problems but on other hand we don't know how to handle that! We can make ourselves happy for some sort of time but we can't avoid them! ��

    1. Kartikey it is up to us how we handle things. The person who has been cheated, of course won't do such things with other people. Rest, if we want to be happy, no one can stop us as it is always us who restrict ourselves for whatsoever reason.

    Please check out this video! 😊
    After watching this do reply! I have something that can take our happiness for long! 😊 Something that can change prespective of any person from negative to positive! Just like a child! 😊

    1. Watched :) A great video indeed ! Thanks for sharing Kartikey :) And yes ! Perspective change when situations change and it is always for better. We just have to see beneath the thick layer of dust which is hiding all our happiness.
